Upset Maze II
We continue looking into the game that knocked out nitros out of the play offs. Today we are going to look at the second half in the hope of figuring out were did it all go wrong for the legendary coach. Talked to nitros and he said it was okay for me to keep looking the game and just adding some color commentary to it. Not sure how much color I will be able to add and also not sure if I can figure anything out that is not already obvious.
The first thing we are going to look at is the distribution of the plays by down. We are going to see what the engine did with regards to running or passing by down.
We can see that on first down the engine ran the ball 7 out of 10 times. This was an uptick in the running attempts fro what we saw in the first half. There was not much of a change on the other downs and we also see that nitros went for it on 4th down unlike in the first half. He was playing from behind the 8-ball. Upon talking with nitros after the first half look, he said that the engine really did what he had in his gameplan and now I wonder if it was true in the second half as well.
We can see the results of the pass attempts in the second half. We see that 60% of the passes were caught in the second half and this is up from 30% catches. I think this is a show of good of a gameplanner nitros is. He managed to double the completions from one half to the other. How many coaches can say they can do that? All the other percentages went down in the second half. Imagine if this was the picture we saw in the first half I think he might have been able to get the W or maybe not. He scored less points in the second half than he did in the first half.
So we know there was an uptick in the catches and now we know who was doing most of the catching. The chart above shows that RB1 caught most of the passes from the guys who ran routes. He caught almost 60% of the balls that were caught by the guys who ran routes for nitros. The WR1 was a far second place catcher and followed by the WR2 with the TE coming in last place. I know he runs I Formation but I do not see any catches for the RB2, wonder what he was doing. I am guessing he was doing some blocking or he was running a dummy route. RB2 did not participate in any of the plays, running and passing, which makes me think he was blocking.
Well that is enough of that for now. Will try to look into the game a bit more as time progresses. I hope nitros will be okay with me zeroing in on the game he lost. This has been a fun thing to do, I will admit that I never do this with my teams because usually I am too mad to do it. But until the next time, take it easy.