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The Legend Of Reigny

Good Morning, afternoon, evening, or whenever you decide to read this. With all of the coaching changes, I wrote about the Leahy Invasion and the return of some coaching legends in my last article. In looking over all of the coaching changes, I saw one that was so eye-catching that I wanted to do some digging.

The University of Bentley hired Coach Reigny for Season 130. Coach Reigny has coached 80 seasons in Wilkinson with a record of 262 wins & 781 losses. He does have a Conference Championship (One more than me, but I have more playoff wins!). In Gridiron Dynasty Overall his abysmal record of 1,877 wins & 6,829 losses in 5 different worlds get the rumors of his presence in GD swirling. Let’s look at all of the oddities this User ID has in GD.

1. Bentley: As previously stated Reigny has 5 teams in GD. 3 out of the 5 teams he coaches are Bentley University and in a 4th world he used to coach at Bentley. He currently coaches Bentley in the Rockne, Bryant, and Wilkinson world. Even though he has been at this school previously in the past, he has decided to take the reigns (pun intended) again this season. Is he from the area? Did he go to Bentley?

2. Success: As terrible as a coach Reigny is, he does have a conference championship in a random season and finished with a record of 12-3. So if he was completely clueless how did he pull this random season out of nowhere? In total he has 6 conference championships. So when he actually does coach a team, he might have skills.

3. Funds: How in the world can this guy afford to play so much if he stinks? I’m not a Mathematician, if each season lasts about 5 weeks/52 weeks = approximately 10 seasons a year x 5 worlds = 50 seasons a year x $9 a seasons = $450!!!! I’m not what would be considered poor, but even I couldn’t afford to pay that much money to lose at a game.

So now that we’ve seen all of the weird things that make the User ID Reigny odd, weird, strange, and even cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Let’s look at all of the possible reasons and theories for Reigny.

1. Cheater: With the whole Tigercheat/ACheat scandal, a lot of people assumed that this User ID is an alias for another user maybe to scout players at a higher level. So in order for this to be true, you would have to find another user in every world that has been playing every season season and in every single division that Reigny has played in. I don’t have Sherlock Holmes skills like BKDries, so someone else will have to do the leg work to prove this one true or false.

2. Programmer: On the forums it has been rumored that the User ID Reigny is just a programmer that randomly joins worlds to test out WIS programming. I opened up a ticket and asked if WIS had anything to do with Reigny and I got this:

**3/4/2017 3:08 PM**


I writing an interest piece on the user Reigny. A lot of the users find it peculiar that the owner plays approximately 50 seasons in GD a year(5 world x 10 seasons). It appears that he/she throws games and doesn't even try. The rumors about this user are swirling and we would like clarification. Everyone finds it hard to believe that someone spends $250 a year to lose all of the time.

Is the user account a WIS programmer testing the game? (most users assume this)

Any and All information would be nice.

**3/5/2017 8:18 PM**

Customer Support

Hi Keith,

We are not sure what is going on with reigny. We can assure you that this is definitely not affiliated with WIS on any level. They appear to be someone who enjoys the game, but greatly struggles with the concepts of how to manage a team.


Soooooooo there goes that theory!

3. Foreigner: A theory that isn’t popular but still might be true is maybe Reigny is a foreigner that has gotten into the game and consistently plays the game but can’t understand it. It gives merit to Customer Support’s claim that Reigny just isn’t good.

As we finish up recruiting, Reigny still hasn’t signed any recruits. I sent him/her a site mail asking to respond to all of the rumors and weirdness, but it hasn’t even been opened yet. I guess we’ll wait and see how it plays out this year. Maybe Reigny will start off limping and end the year walking into the playoffs like this…….

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